About Us
Minnesota Voice serves as a resource for 501c(3) nonpartisan organizations that work to make sure that every Minnesotan’s voice is heard and the state’s democracy reflects the values of its residents.
Minnesota Voice supports partner organizations nonpartisan civic engagement work with data and tools support, training, grants, coordinated voter registration and Get Out the Vote work, the Community Organizing Leadership fellows program, and coalition work to expand democracy for all communities.
Minnesota Voice is an affiliate of the national State Voices network.
Minnesota Voice is a member-based coalition of non-profit organizations working toward permanent change in racial, social, and economic justice by increasing civic engagement and voter participation in historically-underrepresented communities across the state.
Minnesota Voice builds power with BIPOC communities by supporting grassroots, nonpartisan civic engagement organizations in our state. Minnesota Voice partners are grounded in the belief that: decision-makers will be held accountable when collective power has been built; more participation equals a stronger democracy; and that public institutions will improve people’s lives when they advance people-driven solutions and address racial and economic disparities.